Saturday, March 21, 2015

Friday morning, the workshop with Concha Jareño

Because of too many reasons I came almost at the last moment. With a taxi. I just got out from the taxi I heard someone is calling me. Idit came the same time. We went together to the building at Suzanne Dellal that includes the studio for workshops. I told her that I was the dresser a night before and will be again at Saturday night. Tonight watching from the hall (will be stories later on). She said that she dudn't try to be because she was sure it means all three nights and she wanted one evening to see it as well. Near the entrance to the building we met Sharon Sagui and.... Oh my... At the evening  before I was there to help her to get dress at show time. I hardly recognize her. Concha looked different. The change at the hair looked too extreme for me. Never mind, she already made the amazing impression on me - as a person and not only as a dancer. Idit and me got hurry to get in. Adva was there. Because of few things which happened recently (I won't write about it, I still have a lot of respect to her) I wasn't sure if she wasn't too happy to see me because of it, or is it just because of a day like this. The rude kid and his father came too. I wasn't happy to see them. I know he's just a kid but I really don't like him. And I was afraid about what will happen next with videos that his father will take (he gave me too many reasons to be stress about it, didn't fail once again). Still saying "hello" with the kid.

I was ready at the moment that wanted to start the workshop (on time). A woman who works at Adi Foundation who responsible that those workshops will take on the best side said that she needs to ask something first. There is a need to help Concha at dressing for the show tonight. Someone did it last night and will be tomorrow night, but tonight they are still looking. They are in a problem. After a while she said that of course the dresser will be paid for it. I took the job without to know they will pay, but when I received the answer that I have the job I've been told. One girl said that she may. I was sure it's a matter of time till she will ask me who I am. Normally she behave like it's the first time that she sees me, and even when I tell her she looks like I'm the first woman she meets and her name is Orna - never mind that my first name is very regular here. This time for a change it didn't happen. Another thing happened - I started to worry about the show... What would happen if they won't find another girl to replace me tonight as a dresser? Would I need to do it again tonight instead of watching the show? Would they give the show even if I won't be the dresser? At least I took my Ritalin for it won't disturb me for thinking about class as well. 

Many times at the workshops of Días de Flamenco starts in a very certain way: the woman from Adi Foundation ask the dancer about the palo that will be at class. She tells all what was the answer. This time there was no need to through it. Concha started to tell what did she prepare for us. She said that because it's three hours at morning time - she doesn't want to make it too hard or boring for us. She will do with us two different dances. We;ll start with a buleria, but not an ordinary one. THe music has been written by Bach. After that we'll do a tangos. We will change rows all the time for all could see well. In case she will forget it - she wants us to do it anyway. 

First steps of buleria. It some kind of warming, legs work as a start. After class I didn't feel my muscles stretch in a wrong way, just tired. And few more steps. Mijal came in a little late. She didn't know if she will come at all, but she did at the end. In a little late. She came to be next to me. At the first moment she could - she singed me for hello. Few more girls came after her. At first moment that I could - I told Mijal about the palos, all that Concha said includes the reason for two different dances. Still dancing without the music. No problem with Concha, the only problem was the people who came to workshop and got too close to her till it was difficult to see anything. We did change rows many times. When I got close to the mirror - there was still a some place to dance. The rude kid stood next to me. Too close to me. I was wondering if I should kill or move over for having some space. No place to move over. OK... I'll do my best.... Not much after we started to practice with the music. I usually not crazy for classic music till really don't like, but with time looks like Bach is an ordinary situation. There is a music create that he made that I know for years that he composed and I love although I don't know the name of music. This create is a different one and I could enjoy listening to it. Somehow I could dance although it was too crowded. With music I was a bit late with steps (no worry, Concha said it's very fast and difficult with music) and not sure I made all steps exact. Still dancing. 

We had few minutes of brake. All with mobile phone. So did I. 

Coming back to the buleria. Learning some more steps. After a while we've been asked to do it in two groups. Each one made it all twice. Mijal and me were at the second group that danced. Well... Somehow I missed taking a video, but looks I have from who to ask sending me. After each group made it twice - all once again. Two hours has finished very fast. 

One more brake, a shorted one. The rude kid asked me if I took a video of the buleria. I didn't. I didn't tell him that even if I did - he can forget that I will send him. Someone came for him with cameras and his little brother. Oh no... Cameras for the rude kid...!

When the last part has started Concha prepared the music. She said once again what would we have now - tangos/tientos. I took the first row when it still had some space. The rude kid stood next to me, even closer than he did before. Whatever. I will dance like he isn't there, if I will hit him by the way - his problem. We started the tangos. Some markajes were so clear it's in a counting of 4. It didn't take too long till I made a try to spread my hands as a part of dance and I felt that my right hand get stuck hard on something. The hit had a loud voice as well. The kid said he's sorry and move over. It didn't take long till he got too close again. I was hitting him again by trying to dance. After few minutes I found myself behind him. Really behind him. Insteas of seeing myself at the mirror I sae him although I was at the first row a moment earlier. It wasn't because I moved over, it was because it was very convenient to him. Now the "too close" was that in case I do one step forward I will step on him. He could see it at the mirror, after all I'm taller than him. I moved over, but moved my legs in a way that got stuck in him. This time I meant it. He didn't like it. Not much after he got too close to Concha. He was very behind her. There was a step to the back. The kid was dreaming and Concha almost ran over him by mistake. Oh dear, what a shame she missed the chance. I could enjoy watching it. Not much after Changing rows. All accept the rude kid. 

The class was about to finish. Once again all dance it in two groups. Once again I was at the second group, but this time I took a video. One last time all together. 

I still didn't ask for a photo with Concha. I rather ask again when she have her stage look. It means waiting for the second time that I will dress her. Still I came to her to thank her, wish her luck and remind her that I will be back tomorrow. 

After coming to lunch at my parents'  and after taking my dog for a walk - I got into Facebook. Ilan sent me a link at private. The rude kid was already uploading a video from the workshop. Yeah, I'm there too. I wrote him a public comment that in those videos are made for the memory, not for publishing. Somehow it change to a comments war about the palo. The rude kid thinks it was fandango. Are you for real...? I offered him to get between legs of others, just like he did half of time of the workshop. He was deleting all my comments. Also his answers. I mean  all accept one of mine and one of his about the palo. This way way it looked like he's teaching me. I was deleting him from my friends lists at Facebook. He was there because of mercy anyway. I found out that his profile is public. Somehow the video has been gone. So did the video he was uploading recently with the workshop of last year  

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